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Veganmofo: Ok, I know it’s over but I just got my swap today!

Over on the ppk we had arranged a mofo swap! Which was basically a care package to assemble and send to another lucky mofoer! Well my lovely (and talented) swap partner Kelly! or warriortwo so check her out.

I am so so so in love with this loot, check it.

3 PACKS OF JERKY!! I am a huge jerky whore, nomnomnom. Although Party wound up grabbing my opened bag of spicy ‘chicken’ flavour! RAWR -_-. I was not impressed, and it was considered a great lost. Not sure what it is about stonewall jerky, but man I cannot get enough!

Other look includes organic spices and body care samples!

Stickers, pins and zines oh my!
Go Vegan!

And chimes!! Mango ginger to be exact and boy are they good.

She also made me a burnt cd “Got my mofo working!” which I am excited to play.
Mofo cd!

thank you so much kelly! and I am glad you enjoyed your package as well.

Sunday eats

today my entire food consumption talled two:
One plate of kale and potatoes I invented (recipe to follow)
Lotsa water.
A few swigs of Orangina.
Some Bastardized sloppy janes (recipe to follow)
Three brownies.

Go university!

Vegan MOFO-Food Diary

I’m getting sick and it’s raining, so I’m going trying to fend it off with good food.

Breakfast: Half WW bagel with PB, Orange slices and honeydew melon wedges, chocolate soymilk, water via the cafeteria (ick)
Lunch: WW Penne with Mushroom and tomato sauce with some brussle sprouts from the cafe, more water.
Then to Coburg for some real food:
Tomato Balsamic soup
Vegan Cookie
Soy Mint Mocha

Study Time Snacks:
Vanilla Soy late
Samosa with Pineapple Chutney
Strawberry Italian soda

Dinner: Pasta salad with peppers


Food diary for today.
Breakfast: Glass of water, medium caramel soy latte and poppy seed bagel with peanut butter.
Lunch: Hummus and veggie sandwhich on whole Wheat toasted bread, large mint latter water.
Dinner: Vegan Pizza at the Wooden Monkey, Thin crust sun dried tomatoes and marinated mushrooms with moza follow your heart shredded. Desert was the Tofu-Crem Chocolate pie and I had a natural cola with lemon and lime wedges. Very good.
Snacks: A samosa and another soy iced mocha while we went to the post office

Morning LatteI ate half my sandwich before I thought to take a photo, sorry again web came poor quality.

VeganMoFo — and why I am lame and such at posting

So, I’m sure I’ve covered this in at least every single one of my blogs, but here it is again. I’m pretty lazy when it comes to blogging, and pretty bad at remember when I have stuff to do, plus I’m with the school degree of doom and all. So yeah, bad slacking vegan blogger.

On to food, with all my recent studies I have been going to a local Cafe Called Coburg Cafe. She’s pretty sweet, organic brews of tea and coffee, and surprisingly vegan friendly, if you in the area A) say hi to me you twits!<3 and B) come by here. Because supporting local small business guys is always best, especially when their this cool and open late for studying students like myself.

What to love?

  1. The have Soy Milk, Organic Soy Milk and can make any drink to your soy-a-rific liking.
  2. They don’t Charge Extra for Soy. Hear that you corporate giants! Small business, we pay for your soy.
  3. The have Vegan Samosas, with forking Pineapple chutney. Simply orgasmic
  4. They Offer Daily Drink Specials (Different each day, specials on holidays and random days they feel like it) Which are ultra cheap, sweet, and fun. Halloween had Jack-o-Lantern Lattes and Candy Apple ones.
  5. Soup of The Day, Often (and in my experience in the past 3 months, always) Vegan. Fresh Hot Vegan soup that is different each and every day, and oh so yummy.
  6. They also do Salads, I had pasta tonight and it was pretty Good. they also have a bean salad and then the un-vegan greek.
  7. Organic, Local, Small business that I’ve mentioned before but come-on, these are some perks.
  8. Free Wi-Fi. Who likes Wi-Fi? We like Wi-Fi.
  9. They also feature local artist works, offer free reading material including not limited to (Papers, The Coast, Animal Times, Flying Cow, The Source, Coffee News and Dr. Goose)
  10. They have a great friendly staff, who don’t mind answering all your trillion questions about ingredients and often give you heads ups on when the samosa stock is low, or the soup wasn’t as nice. ❤

This place also plays decent music all day. Local stuff too, sometimes it’s a little indie or hipster but normally they bring it home with some decent ska/punk tunes of heart filled joy. Oh. And did I mention they sometimes have vegan cookies? That’s right. Giant. Vegan.Cookies. They get their own stand and display too, and the heat them for you.

So for local, cheap, student friendly cafe-hang-outs. I suggest giving Coburg a stop by and who knows you may run into me.

A solid 9 outta 10 on this bitter vegan’s scale.




**More backloged Porn to come, but I have to at least pretend to do homework.