Archive for dorm life

VeganMOFO-Education systems and it’s evil evil ways

Attending university has forced me rather violently to see the many ways in which our education system force-feeds us an awful food relationship. From the first day that “hot lunches” were brought into my grade 3 class room, Mc-Donald’s burgers, Pizza and Subs on Thursday.

Poor food, prepared in advance reheated and chemically treated served up as the only option from an early age. I remember being watched by teachers, there to insure everyone ate their food. Choke it down, and I don’t want anymore was not acceptable, because growing boys and girls needed their “nutrients”.

On-wards to school cafeterias who’s healthy special consisted of fat sausages on white buns and a salad. Ice berg lettuce and greasy fries, and it’s no wonder people developed negative relationships with food. Being forced to eat the same things day in and out, nothing is ever really cooked. It’s heated and torn from its packaging.

Thinking back to the way in which food was present in the education system it really shouldn’t be that surprising when in High School confused students genuinely inquired about turkey and fish not being part of my diet. (They actually had no idea turkey was meat) Honestly thought, when would a kid from the suburb raised on fast food, boxed KD and cafe food witness the growth of a tomato? Pick a carrot from the ground and eat it? Watch a slaughter? Have any part in the creation of their own food?

University is not much better, the food is given an air of variety by implying a rotational menu and offering vegan “food” stations consisting of goey veggies and grains covered in thick sauce. It’s a real wonder and miracle people move on to have such profound relationships with food at all. I find myself day in and day out losing the desire to eat, because really what is there? Eating has becoming the same chore it was back in elementary, with a stern teacher standing over demanding that you eat everything down to the last bite. Eating is a necessity, but with dismal options and pre-cut, re-washed, re-heated, day-old slop… who wants to?

It’s gotten to the point that even going out to eat, with real food has become tedious. I need to eat but the desire and bond is gone. I’m afraid someday I will stop looking forward to having a kitchen or being able to cook again. It’s funny how much effort is put into the appearance of health and wellness or aesthetics of these campus wide food establishments, always telling you to eat a healthy variety, 3 meals a day, while doing nothing to provide you with those options.

In many ways I feel extremely bad for all those children who will grow up without a vegetable garden, seeing carrots as grainy orange sticks that come from plastic bags that taste like chemicals. Because really everyone deserves to feel the love and joy that comes from growing, cooking and creating something to fuel your body. something good and tasty, to take pride in and enjoy. Far too many are denied that joy.

Marginally food related

So the long weekend coming up, everyone I know is leaving for home. So as usually this weekend is a planned homework attack, and attempt dorm clean. That being said, I’ve been itching to go out with people or socialize, as I posted about going to the Vegan Anniversary at the Wooden Monkey was awesome. And I realized that I kinda like going out with friends, or maybe just going out period.

So I’m thinking I may take myself out to diner, I know this post kinda digresses from the food but she’s got food in her heart. I was thinking about writing a little bit about the joys and pleasures of eating out, a sit down meal etc and the taboo’s attached to ‘going it alone’. So this weekend, homework and ppk-mail-athon/ppk birthday gift shop attack aside I’m going to take my old busted camera and photo graph a single girl exploring food and dining alone in the city.

That’s right, I am taking myself out to diner and weird stares be damned. I have yet to decide, but I may venture off sans book as well. Because really a healthy and fun relationship with food should be just that, regardless of who your with or your serving size. This girl can vote, walk herself home at night, and she’ll be damned if she can’t eat alone at some sit down place.

Depending on cash-flow I may venture to the Wooden Monkey again and try to capture the feel of the place, and maybe try a new hot-vegan-spot to keep you all in the know. Wish me luck and keep up your fooding adventures!

Rez Life Day 1

Well I now live @ Dalhousie, in Rez which means no kitchen coz I am poor. I do have a fridge though! and unlimited food from the cafe.
They even have a vegan station, but so far it doesn’t seem to amaze.
I think there were actually slices of cold, raw tofu there :shudders:.
They did have a nice chickpea, spinach tomatoe “casserole”, i use the “” because it was called casserole but was more like a soup. Good and there all day…. year variete not much, there seems to be one hot vegan meal (and maybe a soup, it seemed empty today thought) and it’s served all day…
There are also fries, plain white rice, plain brown rice, some Spanish rice (vegan ? didn’t ask& did eat), cold rice salad, chopped veggies and fruit. Assorted cereals and soy milks/rice milks
But I am going to be missing my kitchen like crazy.. so if you want someone to make you vegan food in your kitchen and your in halifax, call me!
Here are some bad web cam photos of my room set up food wise.
My desk overwhelmed with some of my cookbook collection.

My closet, you can see my cooking “self”, well kinda see it. Tupper wear, apron, oven mitt, chop sticks, cutting boards, spatulas, measuring cups, spoons, brushes etc

Again in the closet, you can see my giant fridge (4.3 cube feet!! with veggie crisper and freezer), on top of the fridge you can see my assortment (read small mountain) of dry/caned food and spices. Seriously this shit it wedged between my desk there is nooo room at all.
I also have a rice cooker but I am to lazy to try and take another pic with my laptop, cause it akward. I promise to unpack my camera and take some bad quality photos with well a camera.